Thursday, November 11, 2010

Annotated Bibliography

Komarovsky, Mira. The Unemployed Man and His Family. New York, NY: Octagon Books, 1971. 66-83.
      Komarovsky in this section talks about how the husbands of the families studied personality changed.  This chapter of the book is used to describe what it is exactly that the husbands are dealing with.  The pages show us the effects on the children and wives of the husbands who are unemployed. 
      In this chapter on the personality changes of unemployed husbands statistics are given about to what extent they are effected.  The most interesting statistic to me was about how much of an effect the women had on their husbands.  It was easy to see that when the women were instrumental in the attitudes of men the unemployment was not effecting them as much as the other husbands.

Kalil, Ariel. "Unemployment and job dsplacement: The impact on families and children." Ivey Business Journal. (2005): 1-5.
      To begin with Kalil shapes the economic situation of the mid 2000's.  He makes a point to let the reader know that the economic strain of unemployment is taking place.   The unemployment rate rose in the early 2000's and reached a high of over 6% in 2003.  This journal article also lets us know that some of those who lost their job were re employed while some others were left unemployed.
      The second part of the journal focuses on what happens once the person becomes unemployed how it effects the families and children.   One paragraph is focused on the negative effects to the family because of unemployment such as where the kids are going to school, housing, and food.  A little thought about side effect of unemployment is that you may not only have to move, but you will also have to move to a neighborhood that is not as safe as you would like.  The article also gives us statistics about how the unemployment effect is not the same on all races. 

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